Applications can be emailed to us at:
[email protected] If the projects are physical, they may be dropped off at the library. Let us know by email that you will be dropping your project at the library, so we know to pick it up! Thank you, and good luck applicants! SCLA Scholarship Committee Get ready for some fun! Back by popular demand, our 2nd Sip n Paint. Tickets are now on sale. They sold out quickly last year, so get yours as soon as possible.
Our instructor for the evening is KWANGSOOK SCHAEFERMEYER. Cheese n crackers, some fruit to nibble on, wine and soft drinks. No minors please, must be over 21 to participate. Thank you Seward community! 60 new books for our reading young people!
To a sold out event, 50 persons attending our first ever Sip n Paint! It was sooo much fun. I hope everyone had as much fun as the Friends board and volunteers did! Wine or soft drink, the cheese and fruit trays from Safeway provide very nice nibbles. BIG Thank You to our board member Kathleen Barkley, who proved those home made desserts to share, and also to Bailey's family for those gorgeous cookies! Special Thank You to our wonderful instructor, Kwangsook! Here are a few pictures. We do hope to do this again in the fall, so watch for the announcement and get you tickets early!!
August 2024