Friends had a fun time doing 1st Friday Art Walk, September 6, 2019. The last 'walk' of the season, the Friends displayed 18 handmade art pieces from our Sister City, Obihiro, Japan.
The art work was in a box unlabeled when the Collection Committee for the Friends of the Seward Library's historical and archives were working on our collections inventory. While they looked to be Japanese writing on the art, it was confirmed during this years visit from our Sister City Obihiro, Japan. During a community pot luck dinner for the exchange students and adults, the art was displayed and all of the writing was translated! We would like to thank the students and adults that helped with the translating. Community enjoyed viewing this artwork again on 1st Friday, there were many questions about the Sister City program. Friends also had a black and white photo album available of pictures of Obihiro presented to Seward in 1967. |
December 2024